Landmark_SIG_024 Special Interest Group April 2013

Unlock your potential as an architect with our exclusive eBook on Vectorworks software

With this quickstart manual you will discover the tips, tricks, and tools you need to take your designs to the next level and impress your clients. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this eBook is a must-read for anyone serious about their craft.

This  recording was from the morning session for the Landmark special interest group.  Most of the session focused on textures, image props, and finding or importing better models. In particular the attendees wanted to know how I had created the ivy on the back wall of this movie.

I have used a small garden for lots of my demonstration work. It has lots of textures, lighting and planting. For the session I removed all of the planting and much of the 3-D modelling so that we could see the ivy on the back wall. the wall uses a texturing technique called decal. This allows you to have an overall texture for the wall while having small areas of a different texture. This demonstration file also raised questions about creating image props and whether it’s better to have an image problem or 3-D model for your tree. Finally, we looked at importing objects from sketch up, and we used the sketchup warehouse to find the things we needed.
Topics covered:

  • What is a Decal?
  • Changing the scale of a decal.
  • Assigning textures to walls.
  • Assigning a decal to a wall.
  • Changing the scale of a decal.
  • Should you use a decal on a image prop?
  • Website for landscape textures.
  • Using the attribute mapping tool to adjust your decal.
  • Creating an image prop.
  • Editing the image prop texture.
  • Creating more image props using a free hand drawn tree.
  • Image props using auto rotate to viewer.
  • Image props using crossed planes.
  • Importing tree models from
  • looking for specific landmark furniture from
  • Importing sketch up models into Vectorworks.
  • Using the VBVisualPlant tool

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