• Getting Started Special Interest Group May 2020

    In this session, we worked with Record Formats, including how to create a new Record Format resource, how to create a worksheet that reports the records, and how to create a schedule from the reported records, as well as how to modify a data tag to work with our Record……...

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  • Architect Special Interest Group May 2018 (am)

    In this session, we covered attaching Record Formats to objects and using Data Visualization in a viewport to show some attribute that spans classes.

  • 1703_03 – Record Formats – Advanced Topics

    These topics are the advanced topics. In this part of the manual we going to cover the topics that really use the power of the record formats.

  • 1703_02 – Record Formats – Intermediate Topics

    In the previous section we looked at the basic concept of the Record Format. In this section will look at using record formats with other objects. Record format is a very powerful when attached to objects, especially symbols.

  • 1703_01 – Record Formats – Beginner Topics

    A record format is a way to record information on an object. The record format can be a simple one that only records one piece of information about an object. However, your record format can also be a complex one that will record several pieces of information about an object.

  • SST_1703 – Creating Record Formats

    When you create objects in Vectorworks they can be 2D, 3D or a combination of both. Many objects also have information attached to them. If you think of a door for example, the door has a plan view, you can view it in 3D, and you can report the information…

  • Interactive Workshops March 2017 – Creating Record Formats

    In these sessions we looked at why we would want to create Record Formats, what we can use them for, and how to report them once we have used them. We looked at some intermediate topics like linking the record format to a symbol and linking the record format to…

  • Entertainment Design Special Interest Group December 2016

    This is the first session for this Special Interest Group. In this session we looked at creating symbols, creating Record Formats, and reporting. In particular we looked at the problem of creating stage platforms, placing them in the design and reporting the number of stages needed.

  • Landscape Special Interest Group December (am) 2016

    In this session we looked at how to add an image prop to a plant, how to create a plant, how to create and edit a custom workspace, how the plants connect to the Vectorworks plants database, how to use the Plants Database, and a quick introduction to using record…

  • Landscape Special Interest Group May (am) 2016

    Topics covered: 00:20   Attaching non-graphic information to objects (record formats) 00:56   using text along the path to create takes in 2-D and 3-D, using a polyline then reshaping the polyline with the reshaped tool 09:29   modified by record command allows you to edit objects based on record information…