In this session we looked at clerestory windows, the eyedropper tool, windoor and camera match.…
Architect Special Interest Group May 2018 (am)
In this session, we covered attaching Record Formats to objects and using Data Visualization in a viewport to show some attribute that spans classes.
Topics Covered:
- 00:18   We began the session by laying the groundwork for discussing data visualization, which is showing the information attached to objects. We constructed a simple building and added a small addition. First, we assigned the walls to an appropriate class, with classes for existing, demolition, and proposed walls. We examined the Data tab in the wall’s Object Info palette. Some data gets attached automatically because a wall is an IFC (industry foundation classes) object, allowing the BIM data to be used across different kinds of software. We created our own Record Format, giving us a structured way to record information and attach it to objects. Ours was called Renovation and added some pop-up lists: type (wall, door, window) and status (existing, demo, proposed). Then, we attached the record to the walls. You can do multiple walls at once. The Eyedropper tool makes copying the same record from wall to wall very easy. Next, we created a viewport of our floor plan. By duplicating the viewport, we easily had one viewport show the existing situation, one the demo situation, and another the proposed—we just had to change the visibility of the classes.
- 11:41   Next, we opened the viewport’s Data Visualization dialogue box. Classes can be used to make many types of drawings, but some drawings might require using Data Visualization. So, we examined how it works. It won’t work if you don’t remember to check the box titled Enable Data Visualization for This Viewport. In the dialogue box, you can change the graphic attributes of the choices in your pop-up menus. We also performed an H1 calculation, having the viewport show the North walls in red and the walls for other directions in blue—something that would be difficult to do just by using classes.
- 20:20   We opened a file that contained more objects so that we could play with the concepts. You can use Data Visualization and Record Formats to show departments, the cost of items, types of bracing, watering times, etc. We demonstrated how to show departments at a school. First, we created the Record Format—adding a pop-up menu with Sales, Admin, Music, and Video. The pop-up is quicker and removes the possibility of someone making a typographical error. Next, we attached the record to the building furniture. Finally, we gave each department a distinctive color. Looking at the viewport, we could easily spot which furniture was assigned to which department.  We looked at a map of Wellington, New Zealand, that used Data Visualization to show earthquake zones—another one showed building height and another building age. Remember, if your visualization work isn’t showing up, see whether the Enable Data Visualization for This Viewport box is checked! The benefit of using the Record Format with Data Visualization is that you can present different information through the same object and record—for example, space size in one viewport and space use in another.
- 36:30  We finished the session by looking at whether we could access the IFC wall data through Data Visualization—we couldn’t. We also tried to access data that we had added to a user defined category in the wall style—no luck with that one either. However, IFC and wall style data can be accessed when you create a report—it can just be a bit tricky to know what to call the categories that you want the worksheet to find, such as our user defined category in the wall style. Using the Record Format and Data Visualization is perfect for when you need to present an attribute that spans classes.
Architect May 2018 am
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