
What Is a Worksheet?

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Worksheets are like simple spreadsheets. Worksheets allow you to calculate and report information from your Vectorworks files. This is a powerful technique. It has been available in Vectorworks for many years.

You can use worksheets to find objects, report them, and do calculations on the objects that have been found.

How Do Worksheets Work?

Worksheets are set up to look for specific information. It uses criteria to define what the search looks for. When Vectorworks finds that information it fills in the worksheet.


When you are setting up the worksheets, it is important to plan your report. There are so many options—you have to have some idea of how you are going to find the information in your file. For example, if you are creating a report to find the site area, you could look for a property line object. If there is more than one property line, then you might look for one on a particular class. You could name the object and then use that name to find it. As you can see, even with a simple object, there are so many choices.  It is best to think about all of this before you get started.

What Types of Worksheets Are There?

We can classify the worksheets into a few different groups depending on the nature of the worksheets:

  • Count/select objects (typically symbols) throughout the file. They do not need to have a record attached or be on the same Class or Layer. We can choose to count symbols on a specific layer or assigned to a specific class.
  • Do mathematical operations with the parameters of drawn objects: areas, perimeters, volumes, etc. Name the objects (Object Info palette) and find their properties and their combinations.
  • Create reports using symbols with records and list the field values from the symbols in the report.
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Updated on September 20, 2021
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  1. Hello – This is very helpful content, thank you. I am using Vectorworks Landmark 2019 and trying to export a worksheet containing a “basic plant list with images”, but when I click on File/Export Worksheet and click OK, nothing happens except for a ding sound. No error message.

    If it’s not possible to export this kind of worksheet, is there a way to copy or export the plant images? I would like to include them in a plant list in Excel, rather than cramming a large plant key within the drawing itself.

    Thanks for your help!


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