Entertainment Design Special Interest Group January 2017

Unlock your potential as an architect with our exclusive eBook on Vectorworks software

With this quickstart manual you will discover the tips, tricks, and tools you need to take your designs to the next level and impress your clients. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this eBook is a must-read for anyone serious about their craft.


In this session we looked at the commands that are available in the Event Design menu. There are several commands here that make it very easy to create a 3D visualisation of an event. You can start by creating walls, creating stages, adding seating, and creating drawings. After creating the event, we created a coffered ceiling. Then set up views using cameras, and created perspective viewports.
Topics Covered:
  • 00:35 we are looking at the Event Planning. This menu is to help you to create a three-dimensional presentation of the event. It has several commands that will help speed up the creation of the event in 3D. We will start by creating a room. This command (Create Room…) works with a polygon. The first thing we have to do is to create the polygon for the outline of the room. The quick way to do this is to create two rectangles and then use Add Surface to join them together. This command will create a room with walls and a floor but it will not create a ceiling. The dialogue box that opens allows you to choose the settings for the walls and floor.
  • 01:53 after making the room we can now create the stage. There is a command for this (Create Stage…). This command creates a series of stages based on the settings you enter. Like the other command this one is also based on a polygon. After you have put in the settings, Vectorworks creates the stage using the standard stage objects.
  • 5:18 Once we have created the stages, we could create a report that lists them. After creating the report it we modified it to give the quantity, we grouped together all the stages that are similar in their height, depth, and width. The stages have a lot of options that are controlled on the Object Info palette.
  • 09:25 the next command in the Event Design menu is the Create Stair. This command will create a symbol stair. The stair uses the height of the stage, which means you do not have to type that in. We also tried editing apart of the stage to change the height. when we inserted a stair next to that it also was at the correct height for that side of the stage. The stage steps are not a complex stair, they are very simple stair that uses the stage height or the number of steps. There is an option on the Object Info palette where you can choose to have a top step or not.
  • 11:50 the next command is the lectern. At first we were confused about the location of the lectern, but it turned out the when you place it, it automatically sits on the stages. There are several leterns that you can choose from. You can create your own lecterns and add them to your default content. Because we were confused about the elevation of the lectern, we had to place several of them until we realised that it would be easy.
  • 14:25 we looked at the next command (Create Screen). This command will place a screen in the room. The screen can be a tv, large video screen, front or rear projector. We had fun changing the type of screen, changing the elevation and even changing the image on the screen. We found out later that the screen image has a glow to it, so when you render the room you can see the screen glowing. In the end we chose to have large LED screens, one each side of the screen. In plan view you can turn on the screen coverage, which allows you to see the area of the room that can see each screen. This area varies as you change the elevation of the screen and the view angle.
  • 21:08 the last big thing we need in the room is the seating layout. There is a command for this in the Event Design menu called Create Seating Section. This command creates an area of seating based on a seating symbol. If you use a 3D chair symbol, this command will place as many chairs as possible, based on the chair spacing and row spacing you enter. We tried several versions, finally using a slightly rotated layout. If you create half the room, you can mirror this to create the other half.
  • 24:46 when the command creates the room it does not add doors or windows, but you can add doors later. At this part of the movie we added doors and used the Create Views command to create drawings. The 3D view that this command creates is an isometric, but my preference is to use a camera view. So we looked at placing a camera. We finetuned the camera view and then used the camera to create a viewport.
  • 26:32 you can change the scale of a viewport, but you cannot drag the outline of the viewport to change the scale. But there is a trick you can use. If you make the viewport into a group, then you can use the Selection tool to interactively rescale the viewport, in other words you can drag the group to rescale it. Remember to ungroup it before you try to update the viewport.
  • 30:00 we can see in the rendered views that there is no ceiling. We returned to the plan and created a ceiling. We used a slab style from the library, which positioned the ceiling at about 8’. But this elevation is too low, so we changed the ceiling elevation using the Object Info palette.
  • 31:53 the ceiling would be more realistic if we added coffers to it. We created coffers and when we looked at the rendered views we could see that they were not realistic. We went the Resource Manager and edited the slab style. You don’t have to return to the design layer to do this.
  • 37:59 when we looked at the rendered views we realised that the event needs lights. We tried area lights, but they did not improve the rendering. After the session we added point lights to the design, with much better results.
  • 50:05 one of the users wanted to count the seats. We created a report that shows each seating area. The standard report will show each seating area, but it will not allow you to sum them together, unless you edit the field to convert it to a number.

Entertainment Design January 2017 am
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