• 1702_02 – Creating Drawings for A Landscape Project – Intermediate Topics

    The previous section was all about beginner topics, which everyone should know. This section is all about the intermediate topics that you will need to know in order to create your drawings from the 3D model. This section will be about how the 3D parts of the design work.

  • 1702_01 – Creating Drawings for A Landscape Project – Introduction

    These are topics that are the foundations of creating drawings. Creating the information is nothing if you cannot organise it into drawings. To create drawings we use several concepts. These concepts include Design layers, Classes, Viewports, and Sheet Layers. These concepts are used in conjunction with each other to create…

  • Landscape Special Interest Group March (pm) 2017

    In this session we looked at trying to create a hatch pattern that would create a random paving pattern and whether this would be achievable using hatches or whether it would be better using tiles. We also looked at creating areas of landscape area for quick planting areas, creating random…

  • Landscape Special Interest Group March (am) 2017

    In this session we looked at landscape areas, pricing landscape areas, creating our plants, and how to create existing plants (particular focusing on the textures).

  • 3D Modeling Special Interest Group – March 2017

    In this session we looked at auto hybrid objects which lead us onto looking at creating downpipes (downspouts) for a project.

  • Architect Special Interest Group March 2017 (pm)

    In this session we looked at the resource manager. An introduction to movie hemi talk about other topics that we were hoping to cover but we did not have time to cover all these topics. In terms of resource manager we looked at using tools,  object styles, and textures.

  • Getting Started Special Interest Group March 2017

    In this session we looked at the concept of a template file and how much we should store and it. It’s tempting to include everything that you think you might use in a template file, but with a layer and class standard and a library file you can keep your……...

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  • Architect Special Interest Group March 2017 (am)

    In this session we wanted to look at creating an addition to a wall. We looked at different ways of creating a small area of wall that could have a different texture or a projection away from the face of the wall.

  • SST_1703 – Creating Record Formats

    When you create objects in Vectorworks they can be 2D, 3D or a combination of both. Many objects also have information attached to them. If you think of a door for example, the door has a plan view, you can view it in 3D, and you can report the information…

  • Interactive Workshops March 2017 – Creating Record Formats

    In these sessions we looked at why we would want to create Record Formats, what we can use them for, and how to report them once we have used them. We looked at some intermediate topics like linking the record format to a symbol and linking the record format to…