This is the movie from the morning session of the landmark special interest group. We…
Landmark_SIG_058 Special Interest Group October (am) 2014
In the session we focused on site modifiers and site modeling in Vectorworks 2015. There have been some important changes in Vectorworks 2015. One of the most important changes is the ability to see errors in your site model visually. This may not sound like much in improvement, but everybody who sees it comments on how important this change is. We also looked at two of the new road objects, one of which we used to build a car park.
Topics Covered:Â
New tools in version 2015
- Version 2015 now offers On-Screen Indicators for Site Model Errors. This makes it so much easier to correct them and is a great time saverÂ
- Refresher from version 2014: Cut & Fill calculations can be done for the entire site model or for an individual site modifier only. This information can then quickly be brought into a worksheet
- There is a new road object in the Site Planning Tool Set called Roadway (Poly). It is similar to Roadway (NURBS), but it seems to be more realistic in the way it creates a road. The one disadvantage is that there is no control over individual Station Points in regard of their elevation.
- Seeing the Roadway (Poly) in action
- Using the ‘Send Stations to Surface…’ Â & ‘Align Stations Vertically…’ commands
- Show Stations option
- There is a second new road object in the same tool set called Roadway (Custom Kerb).
- Seeing the huge potential of the Roadway (Custom Kerb) Tool in action – its true potential only comes to the fore when used in conjunction with the Reshape Tool. Then the options are limitless
Creating a car park with Roadway (Custom Kerb)
- Drawing a Hardscape object (to use it as the sump, centre of the car park)
- Drawing the car park with 4 Roadway (Custom Kerb) objects
- Using the Reshape Tool to change the shapes
- Using the Show / Hide Edges command to change the location of the kerbs
- Send to Surface command
- Turning off Grade Limits (as there are too many errors due to the fact that the 4 pads touch)
- Creating our own Grade Limits (using the ‘Create Grade Limits from Pads…’ command does not work properly), doing it with the ‘Create Objects from Shapes…’ command instead
- Easily moving the sump location with the Reshape Tool
- Entering a rise value
- Applying texture to the 4 pads via their classes
- Demonstrating how to add an arrow / different texture to one of the pads?
- using the ‘Extract Surface’ command and adding a decal to that texture
- using the ‘Extract Surface’ command, splitting the new surface and texturing it
- creating a 2D arrow, extruding it = is 3D only), converting it to a symbol and then placing it on the pad(s) it automatically fits the angle of each pad.
- HINT: When placing a 3D symbol (it has no 2D parts) and ‘Automatic Working Plane’ is active, then Vectorworks automatically turns that object to suit the automatic working plane
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