BIM_SIG_046 Architect Special Interest Group May 2014 (pm)

2014-09-01_09-28-58In this session the main topic was dealing with viewports. We looked at Design Layer Viewports, Detail Viewports, class overrides in viewports and other viewport issues.

Topics covered:

  • plan your viewport information, ensuring that the information you want is inside the viewport crop
  • turn off the classes you do not want before you create your viewport, using the visibility tool
  • classes visible in a design layer viewport
  • creating a design layer viewport to bring in information from another file
  • choosing the layers and classes that you want visible in the design layer viewport (filtering your view)
  • use current document’s class visibilities (a discussion about what this means) and how this relates to the classes shown in your navigation palette
  • updating the Design Layer Viewport
  • reasons for using design layer viewports to separate the work between different architects
  • creating a viewport on a sheet layer
  • embedded design layer viewport settings, and how they relate to the settings we created earlier on the design layer viewport
  • copying the viewport settings from one design layer viewport to apply to another using the eyedropper tool
  • using class overrides in viewports, you have to make sure that the classes are controlling the graphic style of the objects
  • using class overrides to create an existing floor plan, then using a copy of that viewport to create a demolition floor plan, changing the graphic style of the walls using class overrides
  • duplicating viewports
  • editing the viewport settings to show the layers and classes that are required
  • creating a copy of the viewport and changing it to a different scale, and cropping the area to show just a small portion
  • how to add a reference crop object
  • using the Detail Viewport to show a small are as a detail, and how to connect that to the plan
  • moving the detail viewport from one sheet layer to the other, the detail callout automatically updates to show the new location of the detail
  • using a detail viewport from a 3D model, but instead of using the model to create the detail, a symbol was used to fill in the detail information. You could use this technique to add standard details from your library

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  1. Can’t get this video in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada at the moment. A message comes up in the video window “Stream not found null”. Bummer!

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