This is the movie from the morning session Landmark Special Interest Group, September 2012. We…
Landmark_SIG_011 Special Interest Group September 2012
This is the movie from the evening session Landmark Special Interest Group, September 2012. This meeting took a different approach to creating a set of drawings. We looked at using scanned images of freehand drawings, importing these as PDF files and using these to create a set of documents.
The purpose of this was to show how you can use Vectorworks with your current conceptual design system to produce a professional set of drawings with labels references and title blocks. One of the users has let me use his free hand drawings, and I have used these to create a set of conceptual drawings. I used to different PDF files but he gave me and I rearranged these in a different order to create a set of documents.
I also used a new concept in Vectorworks 2013 called the detail viewport. This made it really easy to create details from the drawings the were already created, further improving the quality of the drawings.
Topics covered:
- setting the layer scale
- import PDF
- scale objects
- creating viewports
- editing viewport crops using the clip tool
- adding a check border for a title block
- annotating a viewport
- creating a detail viewport
- editing the crop area on a detail viewport
- editing the detail callout graphic options
- editing the title block text
- batch printing PDF drawings
- batch printing PDF drawings as individual files
- creating detail viewports for other parts of the drawing
- editing the sheet border symbol to customize the title block
- exporting the customized sheet border symbol to your library.
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