If you start with a standard Vectorworks roof, you can change this from a hip…
Creating a Dutch Gable, or Truncated Hip?
I have been on a Vectorworks chat list lately, and the users were asking about making a Dutch Gable. Vectorworks will make one easily if you start with a standard Vectorworks roof and edit the roof plane.
[ms-protect-content id=”34491,34492,34493, 34494, 34495, 34496, 344927″]
- Move your cursor to the blue handle in the middle of the roof plane.
- Click once.
- This dialog box opens.
- Choose Dutch Hip.
- Fill in the settings.
- Click on the OK button.
This is the result.
- If this is not what you had in mind, go back to the blue handle in the middle of the roof plane.
- Click once.
- Change the roof back to an eave.
- Change the bearing height.
This is the result, a truncated or half-hip roof.