cadmovie109 – Introduction to Wall Styles

In VectorWorks 2008 wall styles are more powerful than before. The new wall styles let you have classes assigned to wall components. I’ve been looking forward to this ever since we had wall components.

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Because of the classes on wall components you should not reuse your old VectorWorks 12 wall style library without updating it. Update your wall styles to have components and assign classes to your wall components to make your drawings more powerful.

Why should you use wall styles? Well, a well set up wall style will let you draw walls quickly, will automatically assign your walls to the correct class, will automatically set the wall to the correct height and will have the correct graphic style. A well set up wall style library will let you change from one wall to another quickly, and it will have all your most common walls in it.

You can store your wall style library in your template file, you can store the wall style library on your computer, or you can store your wall style library on a network computer. Storing the wall style library on your computer or server are the best options. This way if you edit the wall styles you can use the revised wall styles on any project.



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