cadmovie1060 – Worksheets – Part 4
This exercise shows you how to count items that have information attached. This same technique can be used to count anything that has information attached, such as plants, doors, hardscape areas and so on.
This exercise shows you how to count items that have information attached. This same technique can be used to count anything that has information attached, such as plants, doors, hardscape areas and so on.
Now the worksheet is nearly done but at the moment it will not print on the drawing. You have done all the calculations that you require so you can close the worksheet window by clicking on the close button on the title bar of the worksheet.
We have not yet told Vectorworks how or where to get the information from. The site boundary and the house polygon have been named so we can use this to get information from the drawing into the worksheet.
Worksheets in Vectorworks are very powerful and can be programmed to search for information in different ways. You can search for information by pen colour, weight, line style, class, layer, kind, etc. You can even search for named objects.
Continuing on with last month’s project, we looked at using Vectorworks’ Wall Framer, creating a truss roof, adding a new tool to Vectorworks, creating a truss roof using a 3D object and adding prices to materials to get a total cost.
This was a session that started to look at reporting materials. Starting with simple walls, we looked at how to report the areas and materials from them. Then we created more complex walls and looked at how to report the different materials from the walls.
This session looked mainly at the plant database, planting, databases and worksheets. Vectorworks is very powerful when it come to reporting and scheduling, but before you can use these concepts, you have to understand what they mean.
Worksheets allow you count and schedule items in Vectorworks. For example you can count all the trees in a site, schedule all the doors on a particular floor of a project, count up and schedule even find the weight of a bracket in a 3D model. Worksheets are an underused…
Worksheets – Worksheets allow you count and schedule items in Vectorworks. For example, you can count all the trees on a site, schedule all the doors on a particular floor of a project, count up and schedule even find the weight of a bracket in a 3D model.
The purpose behind these special interest group meetings is to cover a range of topics that might be slowing down the attendees. In the session we looked at worksheets, how to put window so that it suits a stair landing, how to use layer colours, how to texture a floor…