• Architect Special Interest Group July 2016 (am)

    In this session we looked at adding special characters to text, creating sloping walls, techniques with viewports and batch rendering.

  • Architect Special Interest Group June 2016 (pm)

    In this session we looked at what information should be stored in a tempalte file and what should be stored in Default Content.

  • Architect Special Interest Group June 2016 (am)

    In this session we looked at detail viewports, linked viewports, the callout objects that control these viewports, sheet borders, using worksheets to report objects, and using the worksheets to control the objects.

  • Architect Special Interest Group April 2016 (pm)

    In this session we looked at creating an accessible toilet using symbols, creating internal room elevations, the heliodon, and what things should be included in a template file.

  • Architect Special Interest Group April 2016 (am)

    in this session we looked at options for exporting a model for a client (using cloud services and  3D PDF), how to line up a mode with the site plan, creating a site model snapshot, and site model errors.

  • Architect Special Interest Group March 2016 (am)

    Topics covered: Using a worksheet to control title blocks Drawing numbering philosophy Worksheets to control title block and drawing labels Reflected ceiling plans Creating a door symbol Section viewport Hatches