In this session we looked at site modifiers and how to create a sloping area…
BIM_SIG_054 Architect Special Interest Group September 2014 (pm)
In this session we look at some of the new tools in Vectorworks 2015 and how they relate to site modelling. The project looks simple enough, because it’s a gently sloping site that needs a car park, an entry road and an exit road. There are also several hills that have to be negotiated around. Vectorworks has site modifier objects which will often do what you want, but a commonly requested enhancement to the site modifier is is the ability to make them fall to an outlet. Topics Covered:
- starting with a site model, creating a site modifier called Roadway (Custom Kerb)
- using the Reshape tool to modify the Roadway
- Using send to Surface to move the roadway to the surface of the site model
- the Roadway (Custom Kerb) does not allow individual vertices to be moved in elevation, but it does allow a slope across the entire custom kerb using the Rise input
- editing the classes that control the roadway
- creating a car park that has a fall from the edges to a sump, there isn’t a site modify object that will do this for you, but you can create individual site modifiers that will do this
- using a Stake Object to find the existing site elevations
- using these Stake Objects to create site modifiers, editing the elevations of the stake objects and then using them to create the site modifiers again
- creating Grade Limits site modifiers around the car park area
- checking the site model for errors using Vectorworks 2015 – The errors will appear as a yellow triangle so that they are easy to locate and if you hover your mouse over the errors, Vectorworks will tell you what the error is
- use the Reshape Tool to adjust any pads that intersect
- using the same technique that we used for the car park to draw a curving roadway, by creating several 3D polygons that will be converted into site modifiers to create a custom road
- to create a graphic representation of the road, you can use a Texture Bed
- introduction to texture beds
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In the last minute or two of this session, you mentioned another recent SIG where you did a lot with texture beds. I’ve searched your site and I’m wondering if you were referring to this one?
If not, let me know which one you were thinking of.
I think that was the one that i was thinking of. I spent a large part of the session looking at texture beds.