Architect Special Interest Group November 2019

Unlock your potential as an architect with our exclusive eBook on Vectorworks software

With this quickstart manual you will discover the tips, tricks, and tools you need to take your designs to the next level and impress your clients. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this eBook is a must-read for anyone serious about their craft.

In this session, we wanted to cover some wall topics in greater detail, such as using walls to Auto-Bound slabs, bounding a slab component horizontally by a wall part (e.g., inner face of wall), using stories to have additional bottom-bounding and top-bounding options for wall components.

Topics Covered:

  • 00:21    In this session, we wanted to look at Wall objects in greater detail, but, first, we got into a discussion on how I like to customize my Vectorworks workspace, such as how I change the commands that are assigned to the right-click of the mouse. Above all, customize Vectorworks so that the commands and tools you use the most are the most accessible. We demonstrated how to use the Wall tool in different modes, such as drawing with the core component—your framing—instead of the outside of the wall. This puts the wall’s outside components off the edge of the slab, where they would be in reality. One challenge in working with walls is getting outer components to line up in a certain way. I showed a project where instead of giving the wall style outer components, I modeled the exterior components in 3D—that way, I could control how they lined up. I gave the components modeled in 3D the thickness of the actual material—but the components were 3D objects separate from the wall style and the wall objects.
  • 21:20    If your slab bounding is set to Auto-Bounded, then your slab will automatically change shape when you move the walls. If your slab and wall styles have multiple components, a slab component can be bounded horizontally by the wall’s parts: inner face of wall, outer face of inner wall component, inner face of wall core, center of wall core, outer face of wall core, inner face of outer wall component, or outer face of wall. We demonstrated how this helps with creating a more accurate section drawing.
  • 37:19    Sometimes it’s easier to work without stories—like when you have three buildings with different elevations in your project—because you can only have one set of stories in a project. However, if your stories are set up right, they can make a project easier, such as moving the objects assigned to a story all together. With stories, you can also set additional top-bounding and bottom-bounding elevations where vertical components can start and stop—instead of only having the Elevation Layer and Elevation Wall Height of each design layer. It’s similar to how slab components can be bounded by, for example, the inner face of the wall or the inner face of the outer wall component. We ended the session by showing how to cut holes in a slab or just to clip its surface—there’s a lot more functionality in walls and slabs than we usually take advantage of!

Architect November 2019

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