Worksheets allow you count and schedule items in Vectorworks. For example you can count all…
Interactive Workshops March 2018 – Back to Basics – Worksheets
Worksheets are like simple spreadsheets. They allow you to calculate and report information in your Vectorworks files. This is a powerful technique. It has been available in Vectorworks for many years.
You can use worksheets to find objects, report them, and do calculations on them. Worksheets are a very helpful part of Vectorworks.
Session 1 – 13th March 2018 am[ms-protect-content id=”34491,34492,34493, 34494, 34495, 34496, 344927″]
Session 2 – 14th March 2018 am[ms-protect-content id=”34491,34492,34493, 34494, 34495, 34496, 344927″]