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Hi Jonathan. Recession planes. We have a similar workflow here, but a couple of quick comments – and a question.
I only noticed this after watching the video, but if, when you’re building the symbol and inserting the crows foot, the view has the recession line vertically on the page/screen, then when you insert the symbol all you need to do is click on the boundary and click on the boundary again. It’s a bit faster in practice and guarantees being perpendicular. Avoids user error ;-).
The other thing we do that cuts down on time and is more accurate is do each boundary segment individually and use the rail mode for lofting the surface. So, insert the symbol at either end of the boundary. Trace the boundary with a polyline. > 3D. Then send to surface etc – basically the procedure in the video except for the last step where we use the single rail mode for the surface.
And 1 more comment… we extend the recession arm a few meters beyond the max height, because that’s only the max height *on the boundary*. If the GL rises within the section you need the recession symbol to extend deeper into the section to pick up any infringements there. In extreme cases you have to edit the symbol to reach even further.
Now, the question (this’ll expose my non expert status!). The redundant overlaps at the corners – how do I clip them off? They’re not too much of
a problem on their own, but what I want to do is also include a max height top to create an enclosed envelope over the whole section. Easy to create that surface from the site model and lift it up by the max height amount, but you end up with masses of superfluous surface beyond the envelope perimeter. Which makes it hard to sensibly see the transgressions. At the moment I treat HRTB and max height as 2 separate views/plans. But it would be better and easier for whoever’s assessing the scheme to have them combined.
I look forward to your easy and obvious solution;-)
cheers: Tim