Architect Special Interest Group September 2016 (pm)

Unlock your potential as an architect with our exclusive eBook on Vectorworks software

With this quickstart manual you will discover the tips, tricks, and tools you need to take your designs to the next level and impress your clients. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this eBook is a must-read for anyone serious about their craft.

In this session we looked at creating a greenhouse using extrude along the path to create the frames of the greenhouse, but the path had to be a specific size which was a combination of straight sections and a curved roof.

Topics covered:

  • 00:40 changing the default rendering and projection when you change from Top/Plan to a 3D view
  • 03:10 drawing the overall shape of the greenhouse using circles, arcs, lines, and construction lines. We have the lines and acts we require, they can be joined together using Select Connected Objects to select them and Compose to join them together
  • 05:44 when the objects are proposed together the Object Info palette will show the correct length of the polyline
  • 06:12 the overall length of the polyline needs to be longer, so it has to be moved in elevation and the legs extended, using a variety of 2D tools such as Reshape, Connect and Combine, and edge snaps
  • 09:22 creating the profile for the extrude along path, the choice of the cross-section is vital depending on with you need to calculate the weight (draw the accurate cross section) or whether you just need the outside shape
  • 12:55 creating extrude along path
  • 14:59 editing the profile for the extrude along path
  • 17:01 discussion about how much detail you should include in your 3D model, for example should you accurately model the base footing, but I find that you should only draw what is going to be visible and important
  • 19:15 making the object into a symbol
  • 20:48 once we have created the object as a symbol we can use Duplicate Along Path to duplicate these symbols along a path object, allowing us to quickly create our greenhouse
  • 23:16 using Duplicate Array to create several copies of a symbol, allowing us to move the symbols down and elevation
  • 27:19 creating the side and top rails which was slightly tricky because it required finding the correct location on the 3D object. The answer to this was to use a 3D locus in the symbol to give something to step to
  • 31:45 a new technique in Vectorworks 2017 is the concept of Master Snaps, which allow you to have a snap which will override other snaps
  • 37:05 using the master snap to draw 3D polygon along the top edge
  • 37:16 creating more master snaps and the symbol to speed up the creation of the side rails
  • 45:31 using a hardscape (if you have Vectorworks Landmark) or using a roof face to create a sloping floor
  • 48:12 placing a Heliodon for the sun
  • 50:16 could you send the surface to move the symbols to the surface of the floor, no, not unless you create a site model
  • 53:26 using Extrude Along Path to create the side rails
  • 58:43 creating a duplicate symbol that has a different height
  • 1:00:28 making a copy of the existing greenhouse and then using the Replace… button on the Object Info palette to replace one symbol with another
  • 1:03:24 creating a report to calculate the weight of the greenhouse

Architect September 2016 pm
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