Podcast 208 – Test Yourself Exercise – 2

Unlock your potential as an architect with our exclusive eBook on Vectorworks software

With this quickstart manual you will discover the tips, tricks, and tools you need to take your designs to the next level and impress your clients. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this eBook is a must-read for anyone serious about their craft.

image001 copyI am the author of the Vectorworks Essentials Tutorial Manual. I was recently talking to a university tutor that uses this manual with the students. At the end of the second chapter of this manual the students should be able to draw simple objects and extrude them to create an object. The students sometimes forget just how much they have learned from the simple exercise, so I have created a Test Yourself exercise to allow the students to taste their knowledge from the second chapter. This exercise uses the same techniques that you’ve covered in chapter 2. You can draw this using extruded rectangles, circles and polygons. I’m sure when you look at this design you think that it’s daunting. The reality is that this is just a lot of simple extruded objects.
If we start with the chair for example there are four extrusions for the legs, two of which go up to support the back. The back is a simple extrusion and the seat is also a simple object extruded. The only thing to watch out for is to get the correct heights of objects. The pergola is a series of simple extrusions – Four extrusions for the columns, two extrusions for the beams and several extrusions for the rafters on top of that. The wall, the floor and the steps are just simple extruded objects. This movie shows you how to complete this exercise.
If you have bought my manual and you would like to test the knowledge from the second chapter, try this exercise.

How did you get on? If you think you need to refresh your memory on how to draw objects and control the size of them, think about going back and refreshing your knowledge of chapter 2.
If you do not have the Vectorworks Essentials tutorial manual but you would like to learn Vectorworks I strongly suggest that you purchase this manual. Here is a link that you can use to find the manual.  http://www.vectorworks.net/training/guides.php
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