Podcast 207 – Test Yourself Exercise – 1

image001I am the author of the Vectorworks Essentials Tutorial Manual. I was recently talking to a university tutor that uses this manual with the students. At the end of the first chapter of this manual the students should be able to draw simple objects and dimension them. The students sometimes forget just how much they have learned from the simple exercise, so I have created a Test Yourself exercise to allow the students to test their knowledge from the first chapter. This movie shows you how to complete this exercise. If you have bought my manual and you would like to test the knowledge from the first chapter, try this exercise.

Do you think you can draw this plan? This exercise uses the same techniques that you’ve covered in chapter 1. You can draw this using rectangles, circles and dimensions.
This exercise may not look much like the exercise you just finished in chapter 1, but it does use exactly the same techniques. You can use rectangles to create the planters, the decking (or patio), the fireplace and the steps and the furniture. Don’t forget to use your attributes pallete to adjust the line weights and to add colour to make the drawing more readable. And remember to add the dimensions.
This movie shows you how to complete this exercise. If you have bought my manual and you would like to test the knowledge from the first chapter, try this exercise.
How did you get on? If you think you need to refresh your memory on how to draw objects and control the size of them, think about going back and refreshing your knowledge of chapter 1.
If you do not have the Vectorworks Essentials tutorial manual but you would like to learn Vectorworks I strongly suggest that you purchase this manual. Here is a link that you can use to find the manual. http://www.vectorworks.net/training/guides.php

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