You Have to Get the Basics Right

It is all very well learning how to customise Vectorworks, learning how to create your own Vectorworks tools, and other cool stuff. However, if you do not know the basics very well it is a waste. It seems such a waste to go back over the basics again, but I really feel that learning the basics well makes you faster and more productive.

This month the Vector-workout subscription service will be looking at basics. The reason for this is that all professional teams make sure that the players know the basics very well. I have been reading about a famous basketball coach who made his players shoot hundreds of shots each day from different parts of the court. If the basketball players are professionals what they need to practice the basics so much? Well, the answer is that even professional sportsmen need to practice the basics because then the basics become automatic. When the players are under pressure they can carry out the basics automatically because they have been practicing.

So, I am going to be running some back to basics sessions so that I can focus on basic techniques. It is easy to forget these basic techniques unless you practice them. Today, I was teaching some highly skilled users and then I used the Select Similar and Visibility tools. The users had not used these tools before, although they may have seen them. Teaching these uses about these tools created a real spark of interest and they were very happy that the training covered these tools. The users felt that these tools gave them a real increase in productivity.
Often when I see users struggling, they are not struggling so much with the advanced features of Vectorworks, they are often struggling with the basic tools and concepts. That is why we are going to have some back to basics sessions. The first session in September 2013 is going to look at basic creation tools from the Basic tool set.  Later on this year we will follow this up by looking at the basic editing tools from the Basic tool set.


  1. Hip-hip, hurray !! I just returned from a glorious month and a half away and as I was about to get back to vectorWorks, I drew a blank on some of these basics and tools. Looking forward to it.

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