This was the second session for the education special interest group, and again we spent…
Education_SIG_003 Education Special Interest Group March 2013
In this session we looked at the resources that are on this web site and we looked at the new Vectorworks Essentials Tutorial manuals. This manual has a new chapter covering and introduction to 3D modeling.
This manual has trained thousands of people to use Vectorworks and it has been in publication for over 10 years. Each year I take the opportunity to edit the manual. Sometimes I add parts to the manual and sometimes I take parts away. For Vectorworks 2013 I added a new chapter with an introduction to 3-D modelling. This chapter uses the same bracket as other parts of the manual to introduce users to the concept of 3-D modelling.
Topics covered:
- Why is the bracket object so important throughout the Essential Tutorial Manual?
- How do we remember things?
- Why did I choose the bracket object to form the basis of this manual?
- My thoughts on how the brain stores information.
- Quote from Edward De Bono about instructions for machines.
- Why don’t instructions for machines work? How does this relate to teaching Vectorworks?
- Teaching backwards, what the heck does this mean?
- new pages on the web site for Education resources.
- Drawing on a board and drawing in Vectorworks.
- Drawing with lines.
- Drawing with objects.
- Using the editing tools to finish the drawing.
- Creating a 3D model
- Using the model to make drawings with viewports.
- Editing the model and updating the drawings.
- It is faster to model the object than it is to draw the object.
- Quickstart to Vectorworks available.
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