if you have upgraded to VectorWorks 2008 you might be looking for the Create Layer…
Locating Viewports on the Sheet Layer
There have been times where I have lost viewports on a sheet layer, usually when I’m working with survey information. The reason is that the survey information is a long way from the origin of the sheet layer (which is usually 0,0).
Many people zoom out to find the viewport, then they try to drag the viewport into the into the sheet layer (if they can see it).
[ms-protect-content id=”34491,34492,34493, 34494, 34495, 34496, 344927″]
Here is my trick:
- When you create a sheet layer viewport, it will be selected on the sheet layer.
- Go to the Object Info Palette.
- If there is nothing else selected, the Object Info Palette will say Viewport at the top.
- The viewport also shows you the coordinates for the location of the viewport.
- Change the X and Y coordinates to 0. This should move the viewport to the middle of the sheet layer, where you can see it easily, drag it to move it, rotate it and so on.