VectorWorks offers the possibility of  creating spreadsheets within the drawing.  That means you can count…
Introduction to Vectorworks for Exhibit and Museum Designers
If you are working in Museum or exhibit design area, you might be wanting you use Vectorworks, but do not know how to get started. I have been talking to museums for some time, and I now have a course outline, exercises and a calender organized. This course has been tested at the main New zealand museum called Te Papa, using an online classroom training system, so I know this works.
This course is designed to teach you Vectorworks from the beginning, so if you are working in the museum or exhibit design areas, and you haven’t got up to speed with Vectorworks, this is the course for you.
The course is offer in two parts, so you can choose which one you need to attend. Choose part 1 if you are a beginner, and choose part 2 if you have some knowledge of Vectorworks.  Each session approx. 60 mins duration online, with approx. 60 min homework each session. Each session has a limit of  4 people which will allow time for some individual training.
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Course Outline
Part 1
Session 1 – Getting started
This session gets you started with Vectorworks. You will learn the basic interface of Vectorworks and the basic concepts for using Vectorworks.
Session 2 – Creating a Simple object
In this session we will apply the basic learning to creating a simple object and making drawings from this object.
Session 4 – Creating Text and Dimensions
Drawings without text and dimensions are useless, so in this session we will learn how to deal with text and dimensions.
Session 5 – Drawing in 2D
This session is designed to bring together all the skills from the previous session. This session will test your Vectorworks skills, but if you complete your homework it is achievable.
Session 6 –Â Introduction to 3D Modeling and Planar Graphics
Session 7 – Drawing a Simple Building
In this session we will learn how to draw walls and insert door and windows.
Session 8 – Creating  Drawings From a Simple Building
This session, we apply the strategies we learned from sessions 2 and 3 to a building, including how to create internal room elevations.
Cost $249.50US
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Part 2
Session 9 – Introduction to Worksheets
Worksheets are so important. They allow you to count and report items in your exhibits. This sessio is needed to get you started.
Session 10 – Importing DXF and PDF Plans
You often have to work with other consultants, or with existing information. In this session, we learn how it import and manage this information.
Session 11- Converting Imported Plans into BIM
After we have imported the plans, we can make the building in to a model. This will allow us to walk though the model, as well as using the model to create floor plans, elevations, and sections.
Session 12 – Creating 3D Views and Walk Throughs
Now that we have our model, we can set up 3D views of the exhibit, and make a walk-though movie of the exhibit.
Session 13 – Symbols and Image Props
In this session we will learn how to make a photo into an object for the exhibit. This could be a painting, sculpture, or jewelry. These techniques will speed up your exhibit production, and allow you to create a report of all the objects. If you use a rail system for your exhibits, we will use this an an example for creating symbols and image props.
Session 14 – Attaching Data to The Exhibit Pieces
Building on form session 14, we will attach information to our exhibit pieces, so we can count or report them.
Session 15 – Textures and Rendering
Making textures and rendering is really fun, and you can see what you exhibit will look like.
Session 16 – Questions and Answers
This session is to wrap up the training and answer any outstanding questions. You will need to complete a final project to pass this course.
Course starts in the new year. Each Session approx. 60 mins duration online, with approx. 60 min homework each session.
Cost $249.50US
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If this course does not satisfy your needs, please comment so I can adjust the course.