• podcast 189 – How to Create a Move Along a Path Animation

    If you’re happy with creating on orbit point movie and you want to try something more adventurous, then the Move Along a Path movie is the next one to try. The way this movie works is that you have to save several views along the path. Then, you place each saved…

  • Vectorworks Tip #125 – 3D Modelling – Extract Tool – Edges

    The Extract tool can be used for several different things. One of the things I use this tool for is to extract the edges from 3D objects. This can be a really useful way to get a path that you can then use with Extrude Along Path. You’ll find this…

  • Vectorworks Tip #124 – Visualization – Animationworks

    Create animation – Animationworks. For really top quality animations in Vectorworks, try the Animationworks suite of plug-ins. The best feature is the ability to create a 3D path and have the camera follow the path. This makes it much easier to create smooth walkthroughs where you want to turn corners,…

  • Vectorworks Tip #123 – Basic Tools – Snap to Grid

    If you double-click on the Snap to Grid you will see a dialogue box with all the snap to grid options. I do not use Snap to Grid very often, usually because I’m drawing relative to other objects. But when you need to draw a objects, like this wall, and…

  • podcast 188 – How to Create an Orbit Point Animation

    The easiest way to create an animation in Vectorworks is to use the Orbit Point. All you need to do is to set your view, set your rendering type and start the animation. If you’re new to creating animations, this is the easiest way to get started. This movie shows you how…

  • Vectorworks Tip #122 – Doors/Windows – Windoor

    Windoor is a Vectorworks plug-in from Australia that allows you to create custom windows and doors. Unlike the standard window or door object, Windoor allows you to put doors and windows in the same frame, much like you would do in reality. Unfortunately, this plug-in is only available to users…

  • Vectorworks Tip #119 – Basic Tools – Instant Access to the Floating Data Bar

    The Floating Data Bar is extremely useful for typing the size of objects that you are drawing, and by default you have to use the Tab key to access it. However, there is a quick preference that allows you to set the numeric keypad to have instant access to the data…

  • podcast 187 – Ortho Drawing in Vectorworks Using Angle Snaps

    Some users want to be able to draw orthographically (constrained to 0, 90). I usually get this request from AutoCAD users. Hold down the Shift key to constrain linear objects (walls, lines, polygons) to orthographic and other objects (rectangles, ovals) to symmetric. You can also control the angles for ortho drawing…