cadmovie400 – New Landmark Schedule Command
A new command makes it easier to add Landmark schedules to your drawing. You used to have to use the Resource Browser to add this, now you can get the plant list directly from the menu bar.
A new command makes it easier to add Landmark schedules to your drawing. You used to have to use the Resource Browser to add this, now you can get the plant list directly from the menu bar.
Problems Counting More Than One Sort of Joist. When you set up one of the quick reporting worksheets in Vectorworks, it’s common for you to count too much. In one of the other Short Sharp Manuals, I showed how to count up all the joists in a deck (patio). That worked…
Problems with Design Layer Viewports. When you set up your criteria (or filter) it is common to forget to add the layer criteria. This does not sound too bad, and most of the time you will not get caught. But, if you use a design layer viewport in your drawings, your…
Building occupancy for fire calculations tends to be different then the car parking. This is a safety issue, so you have to calculate the maximum number of people that could possibly be in the building. As with the last exercise, the figures I’m using have to be checked against your…
Sometimes you have to calculate the building occupancy based on the overall area of the building. In this situation, you need to quickly find the gross area of the building and apply a ratio to this to calculate the car parking.
To make a worksheet that counts everything, you need to remove the layer part of the criteria. This sounds easy, but you have to watch out.
Duplicating a worksheet and changing the search criteria to find all the plants, hardscape and topsoil on another layer.
Adding a part to your worksheet that will count the area of topsoil and calculate the volume of topsoil.
Adding a part to your worksheet that will count the area of topsoil and calculate the volume of topsoil.
Adding a Hardscape report to your plant report.