• Storing Worksheets in your Library

    You should use worksheets to count and report objects in your Vectorworks files, but sometimes you forget which file had the worksheets you want. You should store your worksheets in your library so that they are easy to find.

  • cadmovie605 – Site Area Analysis Part 8

    Costing the Proposed Building. You can use the worksheet to cost the proposed development. If you want to do this, add extra columns to the worksheet when you create it.

  • cadmovie604 – Site Area Analysis Part 7

    Changing the Building Areas. After you have the worksheet working correctly, you can change the areas of the buildings, add garages or other buildings. As long as the new areas are on the correct classes, they will find their way into the worksheet.

  • cadmovie601 – Site Area Analysis Part 4

    At this point, I have used the background as much as I need. For a while it will be easier to change the layer options, and make the background invisible. You can use the Navigation palette to do this.

  • cadmovie602 – Site Area Analysis Part 5

    Creating The Existing Site Worksheet. We can create a worksheet that counts up the existing site and house. The worksheet can look for object an report the areas of object.

  • cadmovie606 – Site Area Analysis Part 9

    Creating Massing Models. When you have the plan information you need, to make sure the project can proceed, you can look at the how the project will look in 3D, and you can use this to create solar studies.

  • SST_1003 – Irrigation Tools

    Vectorworks comes with several irrigation tools. There is a tool for placing irrigation pipework, and there are two tools for placing sprinklers and drip emitters. When the pipework and emitters are placed, you can create a schedule of the parts.

  • cadmovie458 – Irrigation Tools Part 12

    Building the Worksheet to Count Sprinkler.  You can get Vectorworks to count things to suit you, a custom way of counting. In Vectorworks we call this a report, and the results are shown on a worksheet. We can add reports together to collect all the objects we want.