Vectorworks Tip 362 – Publishing to PDF
This facility is only available if you have a Designer Series version of Vectorworks. It allows you to select which sheet layers or save views you want to print, and then it prints them to a single PDF file.
This facility is only available if you have a Designer Series version of Vectorworks. It allows you to select which sheet layers or save views you want to print, and then it prints them to a single PDF file.
There is more than one way to export your information to a PDF file. Both the “Export PDF” command and Publishing to PDF are available to every Design Series version of Vectorworks, though they’re not available in Fundamentals. There are differences between exporting to PDF and publishing, Export to PDF only exports…
Beginner – When you import a PDF file, you sometimes find that the PDF has too much information on it. The solution is to crop out the areas that are not required.
Beginner – Some PDF files also carry vector information, which means that you can snap to the information. However, when you import a PDF file the Snap to Geometry is not active by default. Use the Object Info palette to activate that option.
Beginner – An easy way to import a PDF file is drag it and drop it onto Vectorworks from a Finder Window (or File Explorer window). Choose the pages that you want to import and click on the OK button.
The Publish… command is in the File menu. The Publish dialog box allows you to choose any of the sheet layers or saved views from your file and print to a PDF file in the order you require. You select the required sheet and saved views, click on the top arrow…
In this session we focused on DXF/DWG exporting.
Some clients want to make sure that the PDF files they export are to a high standard. There are some settings you can use to control the output of PDF drawings, but it depends on how you are trying to create the PDF’s.
Vectorworks introduced this service a few years ago. The aim of this service is to provide an upgrade each year, a video library, library objects and so on.
I use batch exporting PDF files all the time. This is a great way to export all the sheet layers, or saved views from file.