cadmovie391 – Wall Sculpting
In the past it has been hard to make unusual walls. The new wall scultping allows you to add a wall projection, or a wall recess.
In the past it has been hard to make unusual walls. The new wall scultping allows you to add a wall projection, or a wall recess.
This is a preference for symbols. I’m really glad to see this, it allows you to choose, symbol by symbol, whether or not the symbol will insert into a wall. I know you can change this on the Tool Bar, but this is way quicker, and much better for a…
Set Your Layer options to Show/Snap/Modify others and you can work in 3D. You can select any object on any layer and edit it.
When creating or editing viewport crops, the area outside the crop can now be shown in either wireframe or light grey. This allows you to snap to objects outside the crop while reshaping or moving the crop object.
The totally redesigned help system now uses Adobe AIR; this eliminates browser issues and includes Web 2.0 features.
Previously, you could only drag dimension text parallel to the dimension line. Now, the text for angular dimensions can be moved along the dimension curve and text for all other dimensions can be dragged in any direction, without affecting the dimension line location.
You can now quickly select the default dimension standard for your document or specify a new custom dimension standard from a new drop-down menu on the Tool bar.
Improved DXF/DWG reference import support: xRefs are now imported as referenced design layer viewports (Design Series products) or layer links (Fundamentals). DXF/DWG import saved settings: Vectorworks have added a saved settings capability so you can recall saved sets of import options.
One of the big arguments about associative hatches was that you can’t set the origin on the hatch. This has now changed.
The Rotate, Mirror, Offset, and Move by Points tools don’t require you to pre-select the object you wish to modify, you can select the object as you use the tool by: ctrl+click (windows) command+click (macintosh) to select the object you want.