• cadmovie377 – Interactive Dimensions

    You should be using associative dimensions by now. This means that your dimensions associate to the objects. When you move the objects, the dimensions update.

  • cadmovie376 – Working Planes

    You use working planes in 3D to help you draw objects in 3D.  They used to be really complex. This new way will make them more understandable, and more useful.

  • cadmovie375 – Planar Graphics

    In the past it used to be confusing when you changed to a 3D view and the 2D objects would be all over the screen.  Planar graphics lets you choose to have the 2D objects appear like a 3D object.

  • cadmovie374 – Improved 3D Snapping

    In Vectorworks 2009, they improved snapping in 2D, where you can easily see the centers, mid-points on edges and so on. Now Vectorworks have improved the 3D snapping in the same way.