• Podcast 207 – Test Yourself Exercise – 1

    I am the author of the Vectorworks Essentials Tutorial Manual. I was recently talking to a university tutor that uses this manual with the students. At the end of the first chapter of this manual the students should be able to draw simple objects and dimension them. The students sometimes…

  • BIM_SIG_048 Architect Special Interest Group June 2014 (pm)

    In this session we looked at a complex 3D modelling problem of a skate park, we looked at creating section viewports, we looked at using section viewports to create internal room elevations, how to add annotations to these elevations and how to create symbols that would assist with the room…

  • podcast 187 – Ortho Drawing in Vectorworks Using Angle Snaps

    Some users want to be able to draw orthographically (constrained to 0, 90). I usually get this request from AutoCAD users. Hold down the Shift key to constrain linear objects (walls, lines, polygons) to orthographic and other objects (rectangles, ovals) to symmetric. You can also control the angles for ortho drawing…

  • BIM_SIG_042 Architect Special Interest Group March 2014 (pm)

    This session looked in detail at a few topics, particularly to do with graphics. In previous sessions we have looked at the Attributes Palette and in this session we looked at the connection between classes and graphics.

  • Book Review – Building Construction Handbook

    I have been doing some research on building construction and documentation and I came across this great book “Building Construction Handbook.” This book has been designed to show you from the very basic conceptual principles through to drawing coordination and detailing.  

  • podcast 170 – Vectoworks Tips – An Example of using Vectorworks Constraints

    Vectorworks has the ability to constrain one object to another. What this means is that you could place one object, for example the door, and set a constraint so that the door is always relative to another object, for example a wall. In this movie I show you how placing…

  • podcast 169 – Converting a Section Viewport to a Line Drawing

    Some people like to use section viewports to create the drawings, other people like to use line drawings to create their sections. In this movie I show you how you can take a section viewport and convert it into a line drawing.Â