• Getting Started Special Interest Group May 2020

    In this session, we worked with Record Formats, including how to create a new Record Format resource, how to create a worksheet that reports the records, and how to create a schedule from the reported records, as well as how to modify a data tag to work with our Record……...

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  • Landmark_SIG_048 Special Interest Group May (am) 2014

    This session looked mainly at the plant database, planting, databases and worksheets. Vectorworks is very powerful when it come to reporting and scheduling, but before you can use these concepts, you have to understand what they mean.

  • Landmark_SIG_039 Special Interest Group November 2013

    In this session we looked at the Landscape Area tool. The Landscape Area tool is extremely useful when you are trying to plant large areas, if you try and create a budget plan, or if you trying to create a landscape concept plan. The tool has several options we looked…