• Worksheets

    We’ve just finished the user group meetings for this week. The topic we covered this month was worksheets. The turnout to the user groups was disappointing again. That’s a real shame because the people that came to the meetings got so much out of the meetings…  we gained a lot…

  • Tree Images

    I just received an email from this place: http://envirographic.com/products.htm# They have high quality images of NZ Native trees. I have tried to import them as images props and they work very well as the short movie here shows you.  You get the nice image and a great image mask that…

  • Repetitive Unit Tool

    VectorWorks Architect has a tool called the Repetitive Unit Tool.I’ve not used this tool a lot, not until I saw someone on the Nemetschek North America chat list that needed a corrugated iron symbol. I have a corrugated iron symbol and so I tried placing it in the file that…

  • Why Attend Courses?

    Let’s say that you’ve got one of my manuals, or someone else’s manual, and you’re working through the manual. Why bother to come to a course?  Well, there are a few reasons… Some people don’t like to read a manual so they don’t put in the right effort and so…

  • Follow-up From the User Groups

    The user group meetings this month were on Site Modelling. We covered how to make a site model from a series of 3D loci, how to make a site model from a scanned image and how to modify the site model when you’ve made it. One of the questions that…

  • Running VectorWorks on Intel-Mac

    I have received my new MacBook, I’ve had extra RAM installed (the max) and a bigger HD (the max also) put in as well. As fa as price goes I reckon that this new MacBook is excellent value for money. As I often say get as much RAM as you…

  • Should You Buy an Intel-Mac?

    Nemetschek North America are working hard to bring you a Universal Binary version of VectorWorks that will run on the Intel-based Macintoshes, but it has not been released yet. Information from Nemetschek North America suggests that you should be careful, that Nemetschek North America cannot recommend VectorWorks running in an…

  • New Manual for Landscapers

    I‘m really happy to tell you all that I have just put the finishing touches on my new VectorWorks manual for landscapers. This manual is specifically designed to get you going quickly with placing and counting plants (Landscapers have been telling me that they want to do this as quickly…

  • Is VectorWorks powerful enough

    I was chatting to an old friend the other day and he suggested that there are many people that can use VectorWorks in a way that looks competent, but really they don’t understand the power of VectorWorks.  That got me thinking, do people really understand the power of VectorWorks? For…

  • How long does it take to learn VectorWorks?

    I often get asked “how long will it take me to to get good at using VectorWorks?” The answer may surprise some people, it depends on how much effort you put in. I have some clients that want to get started, and will put in a whole day of training,…