Vectorworks Tip 300 – Read the Vectorworks Essential Tutorial Manual

I have been looking for my most valuable tip, which had had me thinking for quite some time. Having been on-site recently teaching a lot of people, I think my most valuable tip Is that if you are learning Vectorworks, you should learn it by going carefully through my Vectorworks Essentials Tutorial Manual. This might seem like an advertising stunt, to advertise a book that you’ve already got. But the reality is, when I go on-site to teach clients the main problem is a lack of fundamental knowledge. This fundamental knowledge is nearly always covered in the Essential Tutorial Manual. So I often spend time going over information clients already have because they already have a copy of my manual, but they didn’t read it.
You can get the manual here…


  1. I can really Confirm this from my own experience! Go through the manual, do the exercises and you will be better and faster than many long time users.

    1. Thank you Klaus. I have been teaching on site lately and in every case, the users needed this manual. The funny thing was that they had the manual, just hadn’t used it. Many people think that the manual is too much to read or that it is too simple and not needed. But the first exercise teaches you so much, it is vital. It covers things like the cursor shapes, stacking order, select coincident, selecting multiple objects, etc. I tried to cover all the basic concepts so you can understand the way Vectorworks has been designed.

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