Vectorworks Tip 386 – Classes for Existing/Demo Walls

Notes - Page 73
Some people copy the walls from one layer to the other to create an existing plan and a demolition plan. This technique is not recommended. If you change the plan for any reason, you have edit the walls on two plans. If you use classes, you only have to edit the walls once. As well as that, you can use class overrides in viewports to change the graphics on the walls. You can’t do that with layers.
We will be covering this topic in March 2016, book now!


  1. Keep walls for each level in the same layer. Some strange behavior occurs sometimes when demo wall coincides with a new one even when the two walls are in different classes. Also demo doors you replace do battle with new doors for the same opening. but its manageable.
    With class dimming you can see existing, new and demo at the same time in order to get a grasp of the whole picture at any given time. I might call that setting Demo-design.

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