Finding a Task Manager – Android

I have been looking for a good task manager that I can use on my phone and on my computer. It’s tricky, because I use an iPhone for my phone, but I use and android Nexus 7 for my tablet. If I was using an iPhone and an iPad it would be easier, or if I was using android for the phone and tablet it would be easier too.

If you are using an android phone or tablet, and a windows machine, then look for an application like Google Tasks that will sync your phone with your computer.
I have tried using Google Tasks on my desktop machine and iphone. It works OK, but it does mean that you have to be connected to the Internet. I guess if you are at your computer or on your phone than you will find it easy to be connected.
You can create lists to store the tasks. This allows you to create a list for each project you are working on and put the tasks in the correct list. You can also look at all the lists, so you can see all the tasks together.
Tasks can have a priority and a date.
It is easy to add an email from gmail to a task.

  • Select the email.
  • Go to the More pop-up menu and choose Add to Tasks.

This will add your email as a task and it will open the task list.

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