Online Sessions for April 2013

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This month the online workshop sessions will be looking at detailing in Vectorworks. we also have special interest group meetings for Vectorworks architect, Vectorworks landmark, and for the education sector. Do not forget to book now….

It has been about four years since we last looked at detailing and while some techniques remain the same there are some new techniques to look at. It is also important to discuss the different techniques available. For example, can BIM be used to create all of your detailing? Is there still a place for detailed cross-sections with our new BIM modeling techniques?
The special-interest groups are available for users who want to go a bit further, beyond beginner level. All the online sessions for the special interest groups are recorded so that if you are not able to attend in person, you can always play the movie afterwards.
In the BIM special-interest group we will be looking at how to get the best from Vectorworks architect. The subject is going to depend on the people that attend. Generally, at the beginning of the session we agree what is the most important topic that we need to discuss. We then look at the best way to solve the issue.
And the Landmark special interest group we will probably be looking at site modeling again, as this is a very common issue with landscapers. But, as noted above, it depends who attends and what topic they think is most important.
In the education special interest group we will be continuing our look at how to teach Vectorworks at the beginner level. People learn in different ways, and it is important to remember that they do not know is much as you do about Vectorworks. So as a teacher it is important to put yourself in their position and then teach the things that they need to know.

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