Can you Replace a Laptop with a Tablet

I’m away on holiday at the moment for a well-deserved rest with my wife. I promised to leave my laptop at home. so I wanted to see how much I can still do without my laptop.

The answer is that you can do a lot with a tablet. I remember when the iPad first came out, many critics said that it was just a consumption device and you couldn’t use it to create anything. How wrong they are. I have written several blogs on my iPad, I have a friend that writes just about all his blogs using his iPad, and I am writing now on a Nexus 7 tablet.
A tablet allows you to go to web sites to update them, write blogs with specialized software, check and answer your emails and create and edit office documents with the right software.
There are only a few things that I can’t do on my tablet, such as using Vectorworks and InDesign, but they need so much screen space and access to libraries to use them, I do not want to be using them on a tablet.
The answer is that with a tablet and the right software, you can get rid of the heavy laptop for most of your work.

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