Importing an Image file. [ms-protect-content id="34491,34492,34493, 34494, 34495, 34496, 344927"] [FMP][/FMP] [/ms-protect-content]
SST_1109 -Site Modeling For Architects and Landscapers
Site modeling may look complicated, but it can be made easier if you understand what a site model can do, and how it works. that way you won’t expect ti to do things it can not do. You can create a site model using a few different methods and once created, you can edit thesite model using several different tools and techniques.
[ms-protect-content id=”34491,34492,34493, 34494, 34495, 34496, 344927″]This manual will help you to understand how site models are created, how you can edit them, and what the site model can not do.
- Importing Information
- Import a Survey Drawing as 2D Information
- Import an Image
- Import a Survey Drawing a 3D Information
- Creating 3D Information
- Creating Spot Levels using Polygons
- Creating Spot Levels using 3D Loci
- Adding Spot Levels Using Stake Objects
- Creating the Site Model
- Site Modifiers
- Roads
- Pads and Boundaries
- Cut and Fill Calculations
- Hardscape
- Stake Object
- Landscape Wall
- 3D Polylines
- Stepped Wall