Seattle Vectorworks User Group Meeting

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I have been invited to attend the Seattle Vectorworks user group. I will be using a live internet hookup to join the group as a guest presenter.
We will be looking at layer plane, screen plane, working plane, Push/Pull tool, and if we get time, planar graphics. These new concepts can cause some confusion, but they will make your modeling and drawing creation quicker.
Meeting place and time:
Thursday, Feb. 24, 6:30 PM (PST)
7001 31st Ave NE.
Call (206) 524-4317 if you get lost.
If you have the time to put together and bring a small snack,
that might be appreciated by those coming straight from work.
Also of note, Benson Shaw, an environmental artist with very strong Vectorworks skills,
is coming. He’s been selected as the Public Artist in the project to rebuild the Central Seattle
Community College Wood Construction Center. He’ll have plans from that project to show us and,
hopefully, tell us a bit about his own design experiences.

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