SST_0905 Creating Construction Details

Unlock your potential as an architect with our exclusive eBook on Vectorworks software

With this quickstart manual you will discover the tips, tricks, and tools you need to take your designs to the next level and impress your clients. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this eBook is a must-read for anyone serious about their craft.

I have seen many tips and tricks on creating drawings, but not many on creating construction drawings. When I was writing the last manual on creating drawings, I wanted to cover creating construction details, but I felt that would have made the manual too long.

So how do you create details? That is what we will be covering. We will need components to assemble into details. These could be pieces of timber, flashings, weatherboards (siding), fixings, hatching, and so on. Where do you make this stuff and where should you store it?

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Read the manual here.

Download the exercise files here. 


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