• Vectorworks Tip #023 – Preferences – Use Occluded Selection and Snapping

    This is a Vectorworks preference that will speed up the way that you work in 3D by making it easier to snap only to the parts of the model that you see. Instead of snapping being based on the stacking order, the snapping will be based on the way that the objects…

  • Vectorworks Tip #022 – Preferences – Use Enhanced OpenGL Shadows

    This Vectorworks preference allows you to get the best from the graphics card in your computer. It does mean that you have to have a good quality graphics card in the computer, but it does give you better shadows.

  • Vectorworks Tip #021 – Preferences – Log Time in Program

    This is a Vectorworks preference that will create a text file on your computer. The text file will tell you every file that has been opened, saved and closed in Vectorworks and the time that this occurred. This is very useful if you want to know what files have been opened and…

  • Vectorworks Tip #019 – Preferences – Offset Duplications

    This preference is one of the Vectorworks preferences. To activate this preference, you have to open the Vectorworks Preferences from the Quick Preferences menu on the Tool bar. The preference stores the distance and angle of the offset when you use drag a copy. It then allows you to repeat…

  • Vectorworks Tip #018 – Preferences – Allow In-Place Duplication

    This preference is one of the Vectorworks preferences. To activate this preference, you have to open the Vectorworks Preferences from the Quick Preferences menu on the Tool bar. It allows you to create duplicates on top of each other, which can be useful in drawings and modeling.

  • Vectorworks Tip #017 – Preferences – Centre on Objects After View Change

    This preference is one of the Vectorworks preferences. To activate this preference, you have to open the Vectorworks Preferences from the Quick Preferences menu on the Tool bar. It it used to center objects in the drawing window when you change views. This makes the preference very useful in 3D modelling when you often…

  • Vectorworks Tip #016 – Preferences – Use Layer Colors

    The Use Layer Colors preference is one of the quick preferences that you can activate on the Tool Bar. It is used to activate or deactivate the layer colors that you can assign to your layers. It is very useful when you have a multistory building, allowing you to see which stacked items…

  • Vectorworks Tip #015 – Preferences – Auto Save Preference

    The Autosave preference is one of the quick preferences that you can activate on the Tool Bar. It is used to activate or deactivate the Autosave preference. It is also very helpful to see whether your autosave has been activated.

  • Vectorworks Tip #014 – Preferences – Black and White Only

    The Black and White Only preference is one of the quick preferences that you can activate on the Tool Bar. It is used to turn off all the color in the view, leaving you with just black and white objects. It will remove any greyscale colors.