• Vectorworks Tip #033 – Basic Tools – Reshape Tool (Introduction)

    This tool is so useful for reshaping parts of your design. You really have to learn how to use it. When you reshape a wall, polygon, polyline, callout, landscape area, hardscape, site modifier, etc. you use this tool. It has several modes and the modes are contextual, meaning that they…

  • Vectorworks Tip #032 – Preferences – Adjust Flipped Text

    When you mirror objects with text in them, or when you rotate objects with text, you might find that the text is upside-down. There is a Document Preference that will fix this. Activate Adjust Flipped Text and Vectorworks will automatically adjust any text that is rotated more than 90º.

  • Vectorworks Tip #031 – Basic Tools – Trim Tool

    Use the Trim tool to remove parts of objects up to a boundary object. With this tool, you just click on the part that you want to delete and Vectorworks will shorten the object back to the nearest boundary object. This is a great tool for quickly removing the parts…

  • Vectorworks Tip #030 – Basic Tools – Split tool Settings

    There are three modes on the Tool bar and choosing the right mode makes the tool so much easier to use. If you want to split a single object, use the first mode. If you want to split multiple objects, use the second or third mode. If you use the Split…

  • Vectorworks Tip #029 – Basic Tools – Split

    The Split tool is extremely useful cutting and splitting objects. For example you could use the Split tool to cut a line, a rectangle, a site modifier, or even a viewport.

  • Vectorworks Tip #028 – Snap Loupe

    The Z key is used to temporarily zoom into a part of the drawing. This is the quickest way I can think of to draw in Vectorworks.  Of course you could zoom in and out again if you used the scroll wheel on the mouse, but it’s not as easy…

  • Vectorworks Tip #027 – Delete Key to Remove Last Click

    When you are drawing multiple click objects like walls, polygons, etc. it is easy to make a mistake. To fix the last click, use the Delete key on the keyboard, it will remove the last click. Keep deleting to back to the start of your object. This works on almost…

  • Vectorworks Tip #025 – Preferences – Auto Save settings

    I have tried several options over the years, but now I use these settings. I use 30 Operations because that way I only get the AutoSave after I have completed 30 things, rather than a time interval (which always seems to come up at the wrong time). I like to…

  • Vectorworks Tip #024 – Preferences – X-Ray Mode in OpenGL

    When you use Occluded Selection and Snapping you might want to snap to, or select objects inside the model, but that preference makes it hard to do. This image shows the model in OpenGL rendering.