• Vectorworks Tip #043 – Basic Tools – Add Surface

    This is a great command. Add Surface makes it easy to create complex shapes by adding together simple shapes. You can access this command from the Modify menu, or the easier way is to right-click on the selected objects you want to add together.

  • Vectorworks Tip #042 – Preferences – Save Viewport Cache

    This is a Document Preference that tells Vectorworks to save the rendered viewports. The advantage of this is that you do not have to update the viewports each time you open the drawing, which could save you a lot of time. The disadvantage is that saving the rendered viewports can…

  • Vectorworks Tip #041 – Preferences – Create Dimensions in Dimension Class

    This is a Document Preference that tells Vectorworks to place all dimensions into the Dimensions class. This is OK as long as you don’t want to have dimensions for different drawings on the design layer. In that case, turn this off and have different classes for various viewports.

  • Vectorworks Tip #040 – Preferences – Associate Dimensions

    This is a Document Preference. It is so important. It makes the dimensions associate with the objects so that when the object moves or changes size, the dimensions update automatically. This can save you from making dimensioning errors. It has saved me so many times. If you do not activate…

  • Vectorworks Tip #039 – Basic Tools – Usefully Name Viewports

    It is easy to create a set of drawings with a lot of viewports and Vectorworks will automatically name them for you, but if you let Vectorworks do this for you, the viewport name will not let you see where that viewport has been used. In this image you can see some…

  • Vectorworks Tip #038 – Basic Tools – Consistently Use Classes

    It’s so important to consistently use classes when you creating drawings. If you’re not consistent about using classes, you are going to have a lot of trouble making sense out of your drawings. You will find that things you want to appear don’t and things you want show up won’t….

  • Vectorworks Tip #037 – Basic Tools – Select Similar

    I use is so often I’ve lost count of how often I use this each day. This tool is designed to select all the objects that meet the chosen criteria. The tool has saved settings so that you can save the most frequently used settings for quick access. For example,…

  • Vectorworks Tip #036 – Basic Tools – Select Coincident

    Sometimes, you have objects that are very close to or on top of each other. It can be difficult to get Vectorworks to select the right object. Vectorworks has the ability to select between coincident objects. This feature will open dialogue box for you to choose the object that you want…

  • Vectorworks Tip #035 – Basic Tools – Reshape Tool (Move Edge)

    The second mode is for moving edges of polygons. This allows you to grab the middle of the edge and relocate it while keeping the edge parallel. This is useful for moving the corner of a polygon, landscape area, roof, etc.