• Vectorworks Tip #102 – Visualization – Point Light

    This light is like a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling – it radiates light in all directions. This light is useful for the situation where you need this kind of light, and lights in objects.

  • Vectorworks Tip #101 – Basic Tools – Record Format

    You can use Record Formats to add additional information to objects. Part of BIM is the ability to to add information to objects and a lot of the native Vectorworks objects have the information and the record formats already on them.

  • podcast 182 – Directional lights, Point lights and Spot lights

    These lights are your bread and butter for lighting. They have different uses, so you have to understand when each light is appropriate. Learn to use these lights in combination and you can achieve some fantastic lighting effects.

  • Vectorworks Tip #100 – Walls – Wall Components on Different Classes

    Wall Components on different classes. Walls allow you to assign the components to different classes. This allows you to create more complex drawings without re-drawing the walls. These images show the same viewport with different classes visible and with class overrides. This greatly reduces your drawing time.

  • Vectorworks Tip #099 – Modelling – Working Planes Palette

    There is a working planes palette that you can use to save, activate and manage working planes. But there is also an Active Plane menu that you can use to activate working planes.  This is the same menu where you can choose automatic, screen or layer planes.

  • Vectorworks Tip #098 – Visualization – Spot Lights

    Use spotlights to draw the eye of the viewer to the part of the scene you want them to focus on. Unlike the Directional light, the spot light has to be placed carefully so that it lights the area you want. Use the Object Info palette to control the intensity, pan,…

  • Vectorworks Tip #097 – Basic Tools – Object Info palette (Data pane)

    Object Info palette – Data Pane. Many users do not use the Data Pane, but it is used to add or edit some of the information on objects. Viewport names, light names, custom record formats, etc can be edited using the Data pane. I know you don’t want to have this…

  • podcast 181 – Auto Join Walls and Wall Cores

    This can be a fast way to draw walls, as it will automatically join the walls as you draw them. This can save several clicks. As well as that, it will automatically join the wall cores together, saving you several clicks with the Component Join tool, but you have to…

  • Vectorworks Tip #096 – Walls – Auto Join Walls

    Auto-Join Walls – This can be a fast way to draw walls as it will automatically join the walls as you draw them. This can save several clicks. As well as that, it will automatically join the wall cores together, saving you several clicks with the Component Join tool.

  • Vectorworks Tip #095 – Modelling – Create Surface Array

    Create Surface Array – This is a very powerful way to create complex 3D forms. This command takes your 3D objects (extrusions or solid models) and arrays them across a Base Surface (which has to be a NURBS surface). If you try to use the wrong type of objects, the…