• Vectorworks Tip 367 – Print to PDF

    Print to PDF – There is a huge difference between printing to a PDF on a Macintosh or on a Windows machine. Printing to PDF is built into a Macintosh, but before a Windows machine can print to PDF you will need something additional like PDF995 (software that will allow…

  • Vectorworks Tip 366 – Use Worksheets to Count Things

    One of the most important uses for worksheets is the ability to automatically count objects in your drawing. For example, you might want to count all of your trees separate from all of your groundcovers. You can set up a worksheet to do just that. As you add trees or…

  • Vectorworks Tip 364 – Hardscape Objects Have a Fall

    From 2016 onwards hardscape objects can be designed to have a fall. Previous versions of Vectorworks only allowed the hardscape object to be flat, now you can choose to slope the hardscape.

  • Vectorworks Tip 363 – Extrude Along Path (Direction Matters)

    When you create an extrude along path the direction of your path is extremely important. Your profile object is always lined up with the start of your path and is then extruded along it. If your path is going in the reverse direction, you will find that your profile is…

  • Vectorworks Tip 362 – Publishing to PDF

    This facility is only available if you have a Designer Series version of Vectorworks. It allows you to select which sheet layers or save views you want to print, and then it prints them to a single PDF file.

  • Vectorworks Tip 361 – Light Falloff

    As you move away from a light source the intensity of the light falls off. The actual amount that falls off is another physics concept known as the inverse square law. In simple terms as you double the distance from the light, the intensity of the light goes down by…

  • Vectorworks Tip 360 – Extrude Along Path

    This is one of the most useful 3D commands. In basic terms it takes a profile object and pulls it along the path, allowing you to make really complex shapes, really easily. The commanders in the model menu (Menu bar > Model > Extrude Along Path…)

  • Vectorworks Tip 359 – Export to PDF

    There is more than one way to export your information to a PDF file. Both the “Export PDF” command and Publishing to PDF areĀ available to every Design Series version of Vectorworks, though they’reĀ not available in Fundamentals. There are differences between exporting to PDF and publishing, Export to PDF only exports…