• Vectorworks Tip 411 – Why Use Symbols Instead of Groups?

    Symbols give you incredible abilities to attach information edit the information and control repeatable objects. In this example I’ve created a file with 100 tables. In the first file the tables are using the table and chair object. This file size is 10 MB. In the second example I’ve created…

  • Vectorworks Tip 407 – Symbols And Groups

    Groups are a collection of objects, while a symbol is a special object in Vectorworks that is designed to be used with repeatable objects. The symbol uses the concept of an instance (a symbol on the drawing) and the definition (the information used to create the symbol). When you place…

  • Architect Special Interest Group March 2016 (am)

    Topics covered: Using a worksheet to control title blocks Drawing numbering philosophy Worksheets to control title block and drawing labels Reflected ceiling plans Creating a door symbol Section viewport Hatches

  • Landscape Special Interest Group February (pm) 2016

    Topics Covered: 00:00   using the brick symbol to create a barbecue 01:27   regular polygon tool 03:25   laying out the first course of 22 bricks in a circle 04:30   create a copy of the first course to create the second course of bricks 05:47   duplicate array…

  • 3D Modelling Special Interest Group – November 2015

      Topics covered: subdivision modelling basics subdivision primitives more subdivision modeling to make a hedge revolve with rail sweep to make a balustrade extrude along path subdivision modeling with shell solid solid modeling to make a furniture unit getting textures form VSS creating a special light fixture

  • Architect_070 Architect Special Interest Group May 2015 (pm)

    In this session we looked at the Attributes Defaults, as there still seems to be some confusion on the 2 types of defaults that you can have. After this we looked at creating symbols and the relevance of creating classes to use inside the symbol, and classes that should be applied…

  • Architect_066 Architect Special Interest Group March 2015(pm)

    In this session we looked at how to create a window with a sloping (raking) head and a sloping (raked) sill. It is possible to make a window or windoor object that has a sloping or raking head, but not a sloping or raking sill. If you create a symbol…

  • Architect_065 Architect Special Interest Group March 2015 (am)

    In this session we looked at note databases and how they work with the Callout tool. This includes how to place a callout, how the callout can get the text form a database, how to place the callout as a keynote and how to connect the callout to a legend….