• Architect Special Interest Group December 2017 (pm)

      In this session, we looked at the function of stories and levels compared with design layers, as well as how to easily create elevations.

  • Architect Special Interest Group May 2017 (pm)

    In this session, we looked at three main topics. We looked at how to create a car park area that slopes in two directions, we looked at creating a building project that does not use stories, and we looked at how to control the graphics of wall components.

  • epodcast191 – Story Levels With Symbols

    This is a new technique in Vectorworks 2017. You can use a level to control the insertion point of a symbol. In this example I have a symbol for a power outlet with a 3D component. If you create a level for this symbol, you can set the height of…

  • Getting Started Special Interest Group June 2016 (am)

    ​ In this session we looked at why you should be creating a 3D model, rather than 2D drawings, what the advantage is and how to get started…. I’m sorry, this content is only for subscribers. I have created some valuable content here that will be able to use if…...

    I'm sorry, this content is only for subscribers. I have created some valuable content here that will be able to use if you subscribe. Please subscribe.
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  • Vectorworks Tip 296 – How To Remove a Story

    Beginner – Stories in Vectorworks are an essential organising system for architectural design, and if you wanted to remove a story from a Vectorworks model, you can. But remember to adjust the remaining stories.

  • Vectorworks Tip #238- Levels and Simple Walls

    Levels can be used to control the elevations of walls. If you set up the required levels, you can use the Object Info palette to connect the walls to the levels. If you change the level elevations, it will update the walls.

  • Vectorworks Tip #234 – Levels and Stairs

    When you create your stairs, you can choose to connect the start (bottom step) and the end (top step) of your stair to levels. This will allow you to create several levels to control the starting and stopping of stairs so that they matched the various levels in your project.

  • Vectorworks Tip #230 – Stories and Levels – Slab Levels

    Levels can be used to control the setting out of your slabs (the Z reference level). If you set this up carefully, it can be a very powerful setting to automatically control the height of your ceiling relative to the structural objects.