• cadmovie847 – Room Finishes – Part 2

    Placing Spaces in a Plan – If you do not have walls already drawn, then you can use spaces to create your plan. You can use rectangle mode, polygon mode, or the paint pot to create the plan.

  • cadmovie846 – Room Finishes – Part 1

    Creating Spaces – Because the room finish schedule is created from spaces, you have to create the spaces first. The space object in Vectorworks is designed to record the number, the zone, the name, and so on of each space.

  • cadmovie214 – Finishes Schedule Part 8

    From Vectorworks 2008 and above, you can renumber your spaces or you can change the information on your spaces by editing the information the worksheet. Vectorworks will then update the information on the spaces from the edits you make in the worksheet. This is often called two-way worksheets.

  • cadmovie213 – Finishes Schedule Part 7

    Once the finish the schedule is created, you can edit the criteria the Vectorworks users to search for your spaces. In early versions of Vectorworks, you would often get double the number of spaces if you used any design layer viewports. The solution is to make sure that the worksheet…

  • cadmovie212 – Finishes Schedule Part 6

    Creating the Finishes Schedule report. There is a command on the menu bar that creates your finishes schedule for you. When you use this command, Vectorworks finds all of your spaces and uses these to fill in the finishes schedule.

  • cadmovie209 – Finishes Schedule Part 3

    Once you have set the preferences for the spaces, you can use the paint bucket to flood the rooms and create the spaces.

  • cadmovie208 – Finishes Schedule Part 2

    You can make spaces easily if you have the walls drawn. As you create the spaces, you can assign the room finish data. This movie set up the preferences before you create a space.