Vectorworks Tip #244 – Site Modelling – Site Modifiers – Roads Concept
Roads can be used as a site modifier. On the Object Info palette are options to make the road a site modifier, add the Grade Limits, and the set the offset for the Grade Limit.
Roads can be used as a site modifier. On the Object Info palette are options to make the road a site modifier, add the Grade Limits, and the set the offset for the Grade Limit.
You can add more than one pad inside a Grade Limits (boundary). This allows you to create several site modifiers to create the changes you want inside a single Grade Limits.
Building Information Modelling is a powerful way of dealing with landscape information in Vectorworks. There is a lot of talk about Building Information Modelling (BIM) in relation to architecture, but not a lot of talk about BIM in relation to landscape. The principles behind BIM can be used to speed up the production…
These are your first type of site modifier. They are usually flat, but you can add a slope to the pad if you want. Use pads to create flat or sloping areas on a site model. Pads can be square, rectangular, round, polygonal, any shape you want…
Site Modifiers are used to modify the site model. There are a few tools that can create a site modifier. You generally need two parts to the site modifier: the modifier itself and an object to limit the extent of the modification.
When you import polygons for site modelling they often have too many vertices. This command will simplify the polygons and make your site models faster.
You can use a stake object to place a point for site modelling. I use a stake to place a 3D point to match the survey points.
For some users, this is the default way of recording information on site. If you are going to use the grid entry method, it is very important that you survey the site using the same strict grid on site.
The 2D Polys to 3D Contours command can also be used to create 3D loci, which can also be used to create your site model. Use this command where the polygons have regular elevation spacings.
If you have a set of 2D polygons that represent contours, you can use the command 2D Polys to 3D Contours from the Landmark or AEC menu. This command will take your set of 2D polygons and convert them into 3D polygons at the appropriate heights. Then you can use…